one way to devalue a currency...
is to seize it by force.Labels: election 2008, msm, Ron Paul, writers strike
Fact checking the Toast's fact checker
Yesterday, the Left's wonkette joined forces with the Right's redstate to march Paulites off the field, and gathered together to celebrate their mutual victory in banishing the opposition.Labels: democrats, election 2008, msm, republicans, Ron Paul
Make way for the robot overlords! Bow before Zod!
Labels: election 2008, laughter, msm
Glenn Greenwald fact checks Dave Neiwert on Ron Paul
Glenn Greenwald, a constitutional lawyer who has probably written the most insightful and well commented (850 comments at last glance) article on Ron Paul thus far, fact checks Dave Neiwert on Ron Paul's stances regarding flag burning. Good stuff. Read it. Check out the comments. Try also Paul's speech on the topic, talking about all the time wasted on this issue.Labels: Dave Neiwert, election 2008, Glenn Greenwald, Ron Paul
Labels: election 2008, privacy, Ron Paul, spying, wiretapping
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Jeff, Rick, Ardour, Jack
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New song: Log Off Now
Sharing your home network better in a time of covi...
Designing for the disconnect
Email lists going down the memory hole
Instituting saner, professional source code manage...
Wireless and Wifi in 2015 - not what I dreamed of
Saving wifi! Fixing Bufferbloat! Fighting the vend...
Virgin Media - Fixing the epidemic of bufferbloat ...
49... and trying to find my navel
Wheels down on mars!
Best of the blog:
Uncle Bill's Helicopter - A speech I gave to ITT Tech - Chicken soup for engineers
Beating the Brand - A pathological exploration of how branding makes it hard to think straight
Inside the Internet Mind - trying to map the weather within the global supercomputer that consists of humans and google
Sex In Politics - If politicians spent more time pounding the flesh rather than pressing it, it would be a better world
Getting resources from space - An alternative to blowing money on mars using NEAs.
On the Columbia - Why I care about space
Authors I like:
Doc Searls
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Jerry Pournelle
The Cubic Dog
Evan Hunt
The Bay Area is talking
Zimnoiac Emanations
Eric Raymond
Unlocking The Air
Bob Mage
BroadBand & Me
Selenian Boondocks
My Pencil
Transterrestial Musings
Bear Waller Hollar