Postcards from the Bleeding Edge
Saturday, December 21, 2002


Josh has been found

I feel really good. I hope you out there reading feel just as good as I do about this! Through all your efforts Josh's been found!

I spent two hours talking on the phone with him last night. While writing Uncle Bill's Helicopter, I had no idea that Billy Joel's song, "You're only human", had a ska beat. Josh's in bad shape, and I know the road ahead is going to be really hard for us both. I think, though, Josh has got hope, for the first time in a long while. There's a million tons on my chest but I feel really good. In fact, I feel like I've just jammed with God, and he's asked me to join the band. Jeff at Stubborn Records came through last night, and uploaded the entire contents of Josh's first cd to me. Maybe you'd like to hear a few happy ska songs Josh wrote, when he was 16. Try: This I know. He quoted the lyrics of that one to me when we talked. It would be wonderful to hear stuff this good, on the radio, anywhere, but especially in San Diego. The entire contents of The Radiation King's first album, with mp3's and pure, pefect, uncut cd .wav files is here - and there's a song of mine about the current travesty of copyright law, and one of King Django's - about Josh, in there, too. Stubborn Records still has a few hundred copies for sale, but feel free to make as many copies as you want. Josh makes happy music. It should never die. It deserves to be heard. He told me last night he never wanted to hear his stuff again, but I think he just doesn't remember it.

I've promised Josh we're going to make an album together this coming year. He says he has no guitar, but he does have a few new songs.

I discovered Murphy's Law #16 on a web page today, and I'm savoring the irony of it:

I had the great honor this morning of Doc Searls naming a law after me.
Michael's Law:

I would love it, if one day, this law was as well known, and as well understood, as Murphy's Law. I think it would do a lot of people a lot of good.

I just got off the phone with a dear friend, Evan Hunt. All his 12 musicals have always been an inspiration to me. It's really sad that the videotapes he has of these have not been seen by more people. The Phantom of the Operation was, in part, about me. He said:

I took a lot of strength this month from the story of Don Quixote in the play Man of La Mancha. Posted on my wall, is a song called The Impossible dream.

I have long admired the books of Oliver Sacks, in particular, the story of Witty Ticcy Ray. It's too bad the text itself is not on the internet. It's the story of a musician with Tourette's Syndrome, so bedeviled by involuntary convulsions and obscene cries, that he couldn't hold down a normal job. He was a great jazz drummer. Only while playing music, could he be calm and at peace. The medication for his disease made him "normal" enough to function in our world, but it took away all his musical ability. The cure was far worse than the disease! Ultimately he and Oliver Sacks, found a solution that worked.

I know Oliver's pretty busy, but if someone out there could recomend a good psychiatrist, one that understands the pain musicians can feel, for myself, and Josh, I would appriciate it. Email me here:

It's really hard to tell, in advance, the difference between a good man and a bad one.
Two bad shrinks once helped send me on the road to hell.
I was very inspired, last night, by the story of the Archangel Michael. I would like to know what real role a guy named Michael and a kid named Joshua, have to play in this world.
I have what feels like walking pnuemonia, and I'm going to go and get checked out shortly. One of the things I learned 9 years ago was the importance of listening to your friends and family. And I'm going to do a little Christmas shopping. When I get back I'm going to start building the infrastructure for a bridge that can stand up for us both.

Thanks for listening.


Friday, December 20, 2002


The Traffic Light

Instead of feeling depressed and helpless, I feel good about myself. I think I'm going to do a lot of people a lot of good this christmas, and maybe, just maybe, succeed in my main task.

I've got a mission, and although I have a lot of bad times, I have had some wonderful things happen along the way that give me strength to go on.

Here's one story so far:

Last night, at 1 AM, I needed cigarettes. I drove to the store, and on the way home, I stopped at the same traffic light as in my story. There was a kid there trying to hitchhike in the freezing, cold, rain. I almost drove by, the old me would have driven by, then I stopped. He was maybe 17 years old, he lived about 2 miles from me. He shivered as he introduced himself.

I played him my speech, in the car (it's nice to have a captive audience) and he laughed at all the right places, said "Oh yea, I've been there" and nodded his head violently at the crater. He got a real charge out of finding out he'd been at that same traffic light as was in the speech. We sat by his house while we finished listening. He smiled and was happy and said it was awesome.

And then he said: "I wish I could grow up to be like you."

I got choked up - I told him he could, patted him on the shoulder, and gave him the cd. He virtually flew out of the car towards home. He said he didn't have a computer - but that he'd play it for his friends! I hope to hear from him again, he only lives 2 miles away from me.

I'm so happy to have shared just the happy component of my story with someone, and to have done as much good for him and his friends, it makes everything I'm doing bearable... well, for a few hours each time. I think I'm going to pick up more hitchhikers from now on and keep a supply of cds in the back to give away.

I got a nice letter from a lady in australia today, too. Doc Searls, whom I'd read for a long time, asked me to call him up, and we had a wonderful hour long conversation about our lives. He shared some pain about his son, and we discussed copyright law.
Doc said something brilliant: "Just because you're smart doesn't mean you're paying attention". Wow. Thanks, Doc.

I'm doing the art to a CD tonight, with a bunch of uplifting material on it. The guys at Stubborn Records are trying really hard to beat Murphy so that they can upload selected cuts of Josh's first album to me. I plan to go to San Diego on sunday, and drop off copies to every record store I can find, and I'm going to beat up radio stations to play it, and I'm going to buy some air time to give the speech. I won't be blogging as much for the next day or two, but I want to say thanks to everyone that has helped so far, and a Merry Christmas to all.


Thursday, December 19, 2002


Brandon & Jeff & Bill write in

Brandon wrote:

Brandon, the organist in the Radiation Kings, made me cry so hard I couldn't type for five minutes.
Jeff Baker, also known as King Django, was the producer of the Radiation Kings He just finished mixing down this song that he wrote about Josh. Here's the mp3. It's called Lie to me.

Thanks guys, from the bottom of my heart. You understand. Maybe the right person will hear this song, and listen.

by Joshua Taht

Remember when you called me easy
While I just wanted you to call me
Remember when you called me nobody
While you ain't nothing new

Never knew my name when I came around
Your drinks and your jokes were all on me
Never would have thought
you were a fool To look down
On me

Funny how things turned out in the end

So take a moment to look back
On years gone by
When all those bright lights
Shine down on you
Never would have thought
I was a fool to even try
Well Happy New Year to you

Funny how things turned out in the end

Never would have called you my hero
But I never would have called you nobody
So all I ask for all your viscious lies
Is that you say
You're sorry

Funny how things turned out in the end

Bill Taht, Josh's father, has a letter for him that he doesn't mind if the world reads, if his son, won't, or can't.

Wednesday, December 18, 2002


Uncle Bill's Helicopter

Radiation Kings The Reformed Blood Group Traffic light Mars Polar Lander Mars Climate Orbiter Sea Stallion Helicopter Moon is a Harsh Mistress Flowers for Algernon Skunkworks Goodnight Saigon Beneath the UnderdogAsimov Billy Joel
Richard Feynman Rehab Sikorsky
Stranger to the ground Russian Spring Josh Taht or
Mote in God's eye

If ever you've enjoyed these people, machines, bands, songs, or stories, click on any of the links above to read a wonderful, yet currently tragic, Christmas story.




Taking some time off from work

I told work I had something a little more important to do for a while than work on my projects. I got a comforting upswell of support from my colleagues. My boss probably didn't read the link I sent, and asked when I thought I'd be back.

I said: Not until I beat Murphy.

Sure wish MS-Project had an option for that in it's date field.
Uncle Bill's Helicopter is taking off for a virtual Search and Rescue mission.
3429 hits on one mirror, and climbing. Please link to it and post it. I have faith in the internet.


The TAHT bug

I filed this bug report today, with Microsoft Corporation. They have the gall to want me to pay them to do that, so I just posted a few places and public newsgroups. I may well go through the process and give them their damn money, just to get some payback for 20 years worth of hassle and 3 months worth of pain.



Josh's father writes in

Yeesh. All that research I did to write that speech and I had the wrong helicopter. My Uncle Bill was actually Chief of Design for the RH-53 Sea Stallion

Well, the story works... and I'll go and revise it to be right at some point when that's important. I always thought it was a Jolly Green Giant myself, and I've had the Jolly Green Giant rescue fantasy since I was 8 (29 years!), so, it's all figuratively true, at least for me.

But my apologies to the guys at Sikorski. I wanted to honor their efforts by writing this speech, and I hope they don't mind if it's at least temporarily wrong.

7 days left til christmas. Still no Josh. Maybe the email address I have is no good. Maybe he doesn't have a computer. The power just came back on at my house a few minutes ago.

Please keep passing the url along. There's 6 degrees of separation between him and me.

Thanks Bill, I'll keep trying.

7 days to go. Please read Uncle Bill's Helicopter and pass the url along.
Tuesday, December 17, 2002



My second story, the really sad one, is starting to have a happy ending. See here for the latest update.

Eric Raymond posted the story yesterday, and overnight, Graham Inocent in England, found my nephew. At least, he got a lot closer than I did.

Merry Christmas to everyone, and especially to those two wonderful guys. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.


Monday, December 16, 2002


Uncle Bill's Helicopter

I know I come off as pretty grumpy in my blog. That's what it's for. It lets me vent. You don't have to read it, if you don't want to.

But over the last three weeks, I wrote a wonderful, uplifting Christmas speech. It's about a lot of things that I care about - it's about growing up, and it's about the space program, and it's a about a lot of people I've known in the IT business. It's about a lot of things you care about, too. Please give the story a shot. You should feel pretty good when you're done reading it. Read it aloud to yourself. There will be an mp3 up soon.

See: or

I gave the speech on saturday, December 12, to the graduating class of ITT Tech.It's about my uncle Bill's Helicopter... and the rescue missions it flys on.

I made a lot of graduates feel really good about themselves, and the rest of the audience liked it a lot too.

One guy came up to me and said he'd been in the navy and knew the bird well.

A 8 year boy came up to me and asked me if my helicopter was real. I got choked up, and managed to tell him that it flew from aircraft carriers and over forest fires. I wished I'd had a model to give him.

I went and played piano for a while and two people came by and told me their stories.

Two beautiful 18 year old girls asked me for my autograph.

I'm glad I made so many people happy. Giving the speech gave me the courage to go on.

I feel terrible, and maybe you can help.

I wrote up the real reason I wrote it, and struggled so much with it, and found the courage to try and find a way to create a miracle for someone I love dearly for Christmas. If you wanna know, go read this speech now - there will be an mp3 up soon - get happy - and then continue reading. if you don't want to be depressed, don't read on, you don't deserve to bear my troubles. Just enjoy the story. But if you want to help - please do - post it to a newsgroup somewhere - print it out - tell slashdot - anything - I gotta create a snowball, a miracle, by christmas, and the only way I can succeed in my quest is cover the planet with this story.

I think I just built a good rescue helicopter, but I don't know where to send it!!! And there's only 9 days left til Christmas.

Thanks in advance.

David Täht writes about politics, space, copyright, the internet, audio software, operating systems and surfing.

My new blog, NeX-6, My facebook page
Orgs I like
The EFF - keeping free speech in the world
Musical stuff I like
Jeff, Rick, Ardour, Jack
Prior Rants - New song: Log Off Now Sharing your home network better in a time of covi... Designing for the disconnect Email lists going down the memory hole Instituting saner, professional source code manage... Wireless and Wifi in 2015 - not what I dreamed of Saving wifi! Fixing Bufferbloat! Fighting the vend... Virgin Media - Fixing the epidemic of bufferbloat ... 49... and trying to find my navel Wheels down on mars!
Best of the blog:
Uncle Bill's Helicopter - A speech I gave to ITT Tech - Chicken soup for engineers
Beating the Brand - A pathological exploration of how branding makes it hard to think straight
Inside the Internet Mind - trying to map the weather within the global supercomputer that consists of humans and google
Sex In Politics - If politicians spent more time pounding the flesh rather than pressing it, it would be a better world
Getting resources from space - An alternative to blowing money on mars using NEAs.
On the Columbia - Why I care about space
Authors I like:
Doc Searls
Where's Cherie?
Jerry Pournelle
The Cubic Dog
Evan Hunt
The Bay Area is talking
Zimnoiac Emanations
Eric Raymond
Unlocking The Air
Bob Mage
BroadBand & Me
Selenian Boondocks
My Pencil
Transterrestial Musings
Bear Waller Hollar
Pajamas Media BlogRoll Member

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