DHCP, IPv4, home networks, and IPv6... with DNS
IPv6 has a feature that was innovative and useful back when it was designed in the mid-90s, called stateless autoconfiguration. An IPv6 enabled machine can automatically create an IPv6 address for itself, get on a network, and figure out how to access the internet.
This solves a tough problem that occurs on just about every network I've ever run into - two devices will automatically configure themselves with the same static IPv4 address, disabling both devices (or at the very least, making access to them a flaky experience). Worse, usually that automatically configured device comes up on an ip address that is dedicated to crucial infrastructure - the main router for a home, for example, is usually on Bring up another device intended to be a main router for that home, (say you are adding a wireless access point) and it too comes up on Unless you have a private ethernet port handy (which requires some knowledge of networking), usually you have to temporarily disable the main router - disconnecting your kids from their second life sessions - and bring up the new one, change its default IPv4 address - find a static allocation for it - write it down - remember to use the right netmask - (all of which requires some knowledge of networking), save it, reboot both routers, and then proceed to configuring the new one.
On larger networks, someone randomly bringing up a machine on a static ip address can be catastrophic.
Now, DHCP has become the standard way to assign new "dynamic" IP addresses in a NATted IPv4 network. It's come quite a long way - from, at first, only being able to assign IP addresses, to now being able to specify dns servers, time servers, netbios servers, serve up boot files, statically assign some IP addresses, dynamically do others, etc, etc.
Early versions of the DHCP server code helped turn most of us into landless cyberserfs - there was no way to assign and route static ip addresses sanely back in the 90s - so most end users went dynamic early, as the end users could not be trusted to assign their own gear the right addresses, and statically assigning the wrong addresses could be catastrophic to the whole network. ISPs ended up authenticating via protocols like ppp, and assigning dynamic addresses, because it was easier, and safer - not because it was right - or better - using static addressing would have simplified billing and firewalling (and worm/virus control) considerably, then and now.
Dynamic addressing also made it much harder to create services at home. It moved the domain name system into the province of the ISP rather than into the home or small business. This has led to such steps backwards as not having DNS running at all on most small networks - meaning that printers can't get assigned sane names like "printer.hm.taht.net", ditto for your daughter's machine - instead, people manually remember and type in IP addresses whenever they want to talk to machines inside of their own network. (solutions to this have appeared in Netbui, Bonjour and dnsmasq, but I'm already way off where I intended to go with this piece.
Most people don't even know how to discover the IP addresses of machines in their own network - they are no longer connecting to each other, but to the internet...
I think that people dig "the Net" so much more than "their home" is because that the net is so much easier to use than their own gear!
It's not just DHCP's fault - routing was also painful in a sometimes connected via modem internet environment, and CIDR was just getting started. There were no good solutions back then to these problems.
The cyberserfdom created by this flaw is reflected by the terminology used by DHCP itself. You get a IP "Lease", which you have to "Renew" periodically. Although the documentation uses "server" and "client" terminology, I translate that into "Master" and "Sharecropper" when I'm feeling depressed.
Static IP addressing, assigned via DHCP, appeared in later versions, keying off the MAC address of an ethernet card, much like IPv6 stateless autoconf works. Back in the 90s, you used to have to manually enter your own name servers, now DHCP handles it for you. Getting on a "normal" ipv4 network today is as simple as enabling dhcp and turning on your machine, and setting up a "normal" ipv4. I rarely see a well configured small dhcp network, with static addressing for printers, etc, usually people end up manually assigning the static ips rather than getting DHCP to do it. More often than I care to remember, they assign static ips in the dynamic lease range, leading to all sorts of oddities (that newer dhcp servers generally detect).
It's not that people are stupid. This is hard stuff to get right all the time.
At the lowest level of the protocol, you have to get that IP address right... and you need to be able to access a nameserver in order to do anything on the internet. It is helpful to also run your own dns at home... (DNS translates www.example.com into on my machine)
Running DNS at home? I almost never ever see that... DNS servers take up a lot of memory and very few routers supported it until recently. Everybody seems to think that
www.example.org is the only correct form of a computer name - most of the people with vanity names just use them for websites instead of managing their home network. People just plug in their airport and laptop and expect to be on the internet, no where else.
Setting up good DNS is hard, for a lot of reasons - security, complexity, and the warts in a major program and protocol. It is still highly desirable to run your own DNS at home - it also speeds up web access - but solutions are emerging that make it less probable you will need to do so in the future.
I wish a lot more programmer energy had gone into making home/small business DNS services easier. I've been running my own DNS servers for 20 years and I STILL don't get it completely right, and never on the first time.
IPv6 solves the "get IP address" problem well. Actually, it oversolves it. It solves it so well that it introduces new problems. While a human being can remember "my printer is on", I find it impossible to remember or even type in the fact that my olpc is on [2001:470:806f:2d7:217:c4ff:fe10:b811] which is what its full IPv6 autoconfigured address looks like. It's GREAT that it's on the net... all by itself... routing - announcing its existence -
Regrettably one crucial piece of stateless autoconf, went into DHCP, but didn't make it into IPv6 - the ability to get a nameserver automatically. Thus, the friendly internet of http://ipv6.google.com becomes http://[2001:4860:0:2001::68] (if you can remember that, you are a better person than me) unless you do something about it.
There's a few solutions, DHCPv6 and RDNSS announcements in radvd (covered in
RFC 4339 rfc 5006) - which I'll get to in my next blog. (I'll fix up this one a bit later too)
Labels: dhcp, dns, ipv6, networking